Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Darkness Falls

It seems that I start every blog post with, "Wow, it's been so long'

Anyway, so I've decided to participate in NanoWrimo's National Novel Writing Month (Take the first two letters of each word...clever, right?)

My novel, and it seems so grand to say that, will be titled Darkness Falls. It's story I started about a year ago and has remained in the back of my mind since I put it down. I've started plotting it out so that the writing goes a bit easier when I do start. I'm pretty excited. The goal is to write 70,000 words in the month of November. The math says that is 2333.33333 words/day.

Edit no Jutsu: It's actually 50k words so that's 1666.6666 words/day

In other news, I recently finished a series called The First Law by Joe Abercrombie. It was amazing and has given me hope that fantasy is not all insipid cliche driven drivel. That's a good thing, I suppose, as Darkness Falls is fantasy as well.

I also read a story called "The Book of Lost Things" by John Connolly (may have spelled that wrong). It was every fairy tale you loved growing up twisted and warped for adults and thrown together in a single story. Loved it.

Here is the link to my Nano page: click me

I'll be updating here with my word count.

Wish me luck!

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